Sunday, 5 December 2010

A New Project?

While rummaging through OMG and web update I found a comment by the admin of okieubuntu blog. Advising that there are a lot of missing screen shots from the Software Centre so a challenge has been proposed which is possibly even worth a paper-cut (small but annoying bug) especially if it is going to improve much by the time Natty Narwall is out. It is very easy to do this so anyone else who feels like joining in can jump right in. A list of the guide lines is below.

Guidelines for taking screenshots
  • Screenshots are published under the terms of the packaged software itself.
  • Your screenshots must be in PNG format.
  • Due to legal reasons screenshots for non-free packages aren't accecpted.
  • Images larger than 800x600 pixels will automatically be reduced to that size (retaining the aspect ratio of course). So if you like to control the exact result of what you upload then make sure your image size is no larger than that.
  • Your screenshot should contain a typical scene when working with it. When snapshotting a browser load the home page. A screenshot of a graphics program should have a drawing loaded. Of a game please make a screenshot while you are playing and not of the start screen.
  • Nice tools for taking screenshots are shutter, ksnapshot (KDE), gimp, xwd or scrot. See the Debian wiki for more information on how to make screenshots under Debian.
  • You need not artificially switch off your window decorations.
  • Please set your language to english so that everybody understands it. If you don't use english by default please start your application from a shell using after setting "export LANG=C".
  • Please only take a screenshot of the respective application and not of your whole desktop (unless the screenshot is meant for a window manager).
  • Interlaced PNG files cannot be processed currently. Please use non-interlaced images.

They also say that if you check your own software centre you should see your screen shot almost immediately however this doesn't mean that it has been accepted. Also as they are manually checking the screen shots if a large number are added at the same time it may be a while before they accept or deny your submission and you see it any were else.

My first attempt for xSMBrowser


Help give a face to that mystery app

I haven't made any posts recently but that will change as of now. While I was away I have linked up to the world of Ubuntu. Through my two favourite blogs Webupd8 and OMGUbuntu. Through the much maligned Gwibber you can connect to which will give you updates of the hot topics in the community right in your osd (on screen display). And you can get a gold star or two by asking and answering questions at . After getting plugged in you can start to feel the Ubuntu MATRIX, but don't worry its not as scary or....... green as the other one. 

Saturday, 23 October 2010

I've been Featured on Facebook

I made a screen shot of my modded Maverick desk top for the Ubuntu page on facebook and it got accepted as one of the ten best out of 600+ woo hoo this was my submission

The wallpaper is from Jbaer on deviant art called Maverick Metro the dock is docky with panel mode enabled and the Icon set is faenza which Install using the equinox ppa. For any one new to Ubuntu half of that is going to be complete gibberish so I will be doing some post soon to translate.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Hearts of Midlothian

Just finished creating some web graphics for viki's blog. We had the Idea of creating a set of Icons in the same theme as her logo. luckily I originally designed her logo in Inkscape which is one of the best programs I have ever used it combines two of my favourite things accuracy and beautiful design. The thing that make's the program essential for me is the ability to amend your work without having to start from scratch each time which save's a lot of time which can be used in the details to make something that looks good look great. One word of warning Inkscape looks very difficult to use especially if you haven't used a vector graphic program before, so before you touch anything watch and learn from the masters at heathenx.  Their tutorials are about 10 - 30 min each so you can cram some in instead of watching (insert favourite program) trust me you wont regret it.


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

FDEkszer | Facebook

I'm in the process of creating a landing page on facebook for Viki so wish me luck I'm going to need it. I'll make a post when the project is complete.

That's all for now folks.

FDEkszer | Facebook

Monday, 18 October 2010

Whats It all About?

Good question you might ask especially as I am a man from Scotland and not a Woman from Africa. The answer is probably an insight to the global mashup that we are all heading towards. The beading comes from my fiancĂ©e who is from Hungary she has a blog which specialises in beading. The Ubuntu connection is from one of those random Google searches which hit upon an alternative to Windows and the  rest is history. 

As a introduction for anyone who may be wondering what I am talking about with Ubuntu here is a short description. Ubuntu is an Operating System from South Africa, yes you heard me right South Africa which is also where the name comes from.  The name refers to an African Philosophy which in very simple terms is that you are not a human on your own you are only able to be who you are because of the people who are around you. Obviously the same goes in reverse the people around you are only who they are because of you. How does this relate to a computer Operating System you might ask. Well I tend to think of Ubuntu OS as a digital representation of the Ubuntu Philosophy it is Open Source so anyone can contribute to it and you can even completely remodel it and give it a different name almost every part of the program can be modified and you can bet that some one out there is doing just that.

Thats all for now folks